Custom Homes Process

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Custom Homes Process

"You have the dream and we have the experience and professionalism to bring it to reality. We partner with the best professionals in our area to bring you the best home building experience possible."

Real estate agents say it is all about Location, Location, Location. In most cases, our clients come to us with their property already located or purchased. So, “Location” has already been taken care of. If a client comes to us needing a place to locate their new home, we pair them with one of our local real estate professionals. 

We are always willing to make building plans from past projects available to our clients, but most of our homes are truly “custom” homes. When deciding on the right floor plan, square footage, elevations, design elements and finishes, we offer services from sketching the plans for you, to working with local architects, to assisting with the purchase of plans from other professional plan providers. We also work closely with local engineers should the need for specialized engineering be required. 

Once the project location is chosen and the building blue prints have been decided on, we meet with the client at the building lot to discuss layout, locate: water, sewer, septic, well and/or easements and identify any possible obstacles.

Where realtors say “Location,” we say Details, Details, Details. This can only be achieved by great communication. We communicate with the client throughout the entire process. We like to look at potential lots and building plans before you make final decisions whenever it is possible. Our experience helps clients pair the right home to the right property.

We are a cost plus custom home builder, which means that you are fully in control of the cost of the home from start to finish. The more details, a client is willing to make prior to breaking ground, the more accurately the projected cost can be estimated. We encourage all selections to be made prior to starting construction. This greatly reduces the potential for mistakes and miscommunication, both of which, cost time and money. Nobody enjoys that.

In addition to being your contractor, we are also an experienced design company. We enjoy assisting in the process of picking out finishes, fixtures, trim packages, cabinet design/layout, landscape, and appliances. We have discovered that the more involved we are with your selections early in the process, the more easily it is to execute a well-polished finish for your home. 

Here Is The Flow:

List of Services


Here are answers to some common questions. 
  • How does the money work?

    Clients either pay cash or use a construction loan to pay for the home as it is being built. We require a deposit (a portion of our total fee to build) due at the signing of the contract and then we meet with the client as needed throughout the process, usually every other week, to review the work that has been completed and to make a draw request from the bank or the buyer, if paying cash. Frequency of draws is based on the amount of work completed since the last draw. We receive the second portion of our agreed on fee to build with each draw request. Once the home is complete, we close out the agreement and you make your final payment to us or you close out your construction loan (they pay us our final draw) and convert it to a permanent loan. If change orders are required, you will pay for the changes at the time of the change order. You will want to have some liquid capital during the building process for this purpose. The more decisions you make prior to construction, the less change orders you will need during construction.

  • Why do we require a deposit?

    This is your home and we will be spending your money to build it. The deposit amount is used to fund the project as we wait for draw requests to be filled by the bank. We pay our trade partners as they complete their work. Thereby, the funds must be readily available to assure a streamlined payment process. Because of this method of payment, our trade professionals are eager to show up at our construction site when scheduled. We run a tight schedule on our jobs and delays equal unnecessary expenses. We guarantee quality because we use the best trade partners in the greater Wilmington area.

Talk to us today!

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